Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Only Cure For Grief is Action.

I have never experienced a true mourning period before in my life. The feeling of not being able to function because of loss and sadness is new to me. I'm trying to take my grandmother's death, accept it and turn it into something positive because it seems as though others in my family cannot. I want to live. I want to learn new things. I want to do all of the things that my grandmother regretted not doing.

I'm making it a point to take care of myself, starting now! I've always been a relatively healthy person but there are times when I find myself turning to food to cope. This isn't the worst thing in the world---but I'm going to change the way I do so. I'm going to start cooking again! My grandmother always enjoyed peeking in the kitchen when she smelled something on the stove. I want to rekindle that feeling. I want to create meals! I think that re-starting a goal that she was alive to witness will help me feel her presence and at the same time help me move on from the thoughts of her death. Rest In Peace Grandma.

A fond memory with Tessie in the kitchen. :)

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